Privacy policy & data protection


Your use of this website affirms your consent to our use of cookies.

Cookies are small units of digital data placed on your device when you visit us. They help our website function smoothly so that you can access information easily and securely.

The cookies used by this website do not identify you or your physical address, or harm your computer, or relay your data to any third party.


When you contact us, we store and protect your name, email, and other data if provided, in line with GDPR (General Data Processing Regulations, 2018).

Your confidential data is used solely for our core business activities, e.g. communication with you, consultation documents, admin, invoices and accounts etc.

Clients’ personal, business and commercial information remains strictly confidential at all times.

We respect your privacy and will never disclose or sell your personal data or business information to any third party.

However, we will share personal data and business information if required to do so by law, or to protect this website, business, or individuals from, for example but not limited to, cyber crime, fraud, threats to copyright and intellectual property or personal safety etc.


We work to the highest industry standards for data protection, using the information you provide.

However, Edwards & Renouf Ltd accept no liability for any loss, damage, injury - material, non-material or circumstantial - nor any unforeseen outcome due to circumstances beyond our control.