Founder, Mark Edwards PhD

Passionate about innovation, Mark has led ground-breaking new technology projects with global healthcare & FMCG companies, from early-stage research to market launch. He iterates ideas quickly to build and scale highly differentiated products .

Mark holds sixteen patents, and their associated products have gone on to achieve significant global success. He now applies his extensive background in R&D and knowledge of advanced surface and polymer chemistry to design and develop unique types of marine coating.

With a passion for the marine environment in the Channel Islands since childhood, Mark founded Edwards & Renouf in 2020 to address the urgent need for non-biocide marine coatings. Renouf is a Guernsey name, linking the company with his family heritage.

Based in the Surrey Hills, Mark is married with two teenage sons. Frequently on the Hampshire and Devon coasts, he loves taking the RIB for trips along the English Channel coastline.